Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hi, its Mae-lyn! (:

So in precal today was kind of a short class due to late start. But today was pretty much a continuation of yesterdays class. We finished up the 3 examples in our UNIT 4 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY booklet, which was suppose to be yesterdays homework. But some people had trouble, so we relooked over them in class. Also, Mr.P just put up new algebra equations under the "WIKI SOLUTIONS" on our wiki  that are to be answered by whoever wants to. Mr.P made 10 sets, but I think all are taken already. One person to each set.

AND: A reminder to the class, everyone has to do atleast one set of questions from the wiki before the semester ends! This is included as an assignment worth 50 marks, so make sure you do one!

Here was one of the examples in the booklet.

EXAMPLE 6: Find an equation of the circle with its centre at C(-1,4) and passing through the point (2,6)

ALSO, today Mr.P gave us a circles worksheet. This consisted of graphing circles, and finding the equations of circles with minimal information. If you were away, and you want to do this worksheet, you can find it on our class wiki. It also has an answer key on the back so you can check your answers.

Here are 2 questions that were on our circles worksheet:

Graph the center and radius of each. Then sketch the graph.

**HOMEWORK TODAY: CIRCLES WORKSHEET that was given out today!

SO, thats it for now, have a nice day everyone (: and see you  guys tomorrow!

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