Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Does A Circle Have 360 Degrees?

Hi everybody, it's Raveen.
         A few days ago Mr.P asked us to figure out why a circle has 360 degrees, I looked online and found some pretty good answers. I figured out that the reason for this is that in the ancient days there was an ancient group of people called the "Babylonians" from Mesopotamia who invented the degrees for a circle. Another group of people who contributed to these findings were the "Sumeria".  I found out that the Babylonians used 60 as a base number for their calculations which we still continue to use because it was passed down to us very long ago. That is exactly why each minute has 60 seconds and each hour has 60 minutes all going back to the days of the Babylonians. In the same way 6 x 60 gives us 360, the degrees we use for a circle. these group of people, along with the Sumeria, researched about the sun, determined time, dates, calenders, etc; and their teachings are still used today. 
   I hope that my answer helped to figure out this question in further detail.

If anyone wants some additional information please feel free to go on the links below which will give you a more thorough understanding of this concept:

                           Thanks for reading everyone! I hope this helps! 
                                                                                               - Raveen Boparai 

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