Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sup, Gurvinder Here

In todays class Mr. P started off by making a heading for the November hall of fame. Then we started looking at page 43 in our booklet on Graphing Rational Equations. He Started showing us how to do Example a) in our booklet.

Example a)

1) Find The non-permissible values(NPV) Or A.K.A Verticle/Horizontal Aysomptote. The Verticle Aysomptote in this case is 0, & the horizontal aysomptote is also 0 becuase if x equaled 0 then the whole equation would = 0. If the denominator wasn't 0 then you have have to equate it to 0 by moving the number over to the equal sign.

2) Next you will need to make a table of values one that is positive and one that is negative. It will look something like this

3) Then you just plot the points on your graph.

This is how your graph should look like mine isn't perfect but it's close.

You still might not get how to do this so i have provided some videos on how to graph rational equations.
Homework: The Homework was do Example d) on page 44 in your booklet and do the worksheet Graphing Rational Equations.
Also remember to study for the test on monday.

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