Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello guys Lyndon's here!

Today in pre-cal class Mr. P talked about quizzes and tests.He said that our mental math quiz might be postpone and our test number three will be next week. After that, he showed us how to solve some questions in the booklet.

one of the questions is:

If -3 is one root of x2 + x+c=0, find the other root and the value of c.

x2 + x + c=0
a=1 b=1 c=?

r1=-3 r2=?

sum of roots= -b/a

product = c/a

r1 + r2 = -b/a

-3 + r2 = -1/1

-3 + r2 =-1
r2 = 2

Product = c/a

r1 . r2 = c/a

(-3) (2) = c/1

-6 = c

After that we worked on the questions in the booklet
(page 33, exercise 13,questions 1-8) until the end of the class.

thanks guys...

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