Friday, October 8, 2010

Hey Everyone, Jordan here!

Yo whats happening everyone? Jordan here, and today is my turn to to a blog (thanks Ruby...) so lets get started.

As soon as the class started, Mr.Piatek showed us an example of an Iphoto project by presenting a picture he took which consisted of three bird eggs. He then edited this picture and added a bunch of stuff related to math (Variables, Graphs, Etc.) which looked pretty awesome! After we took a look at his picture, we then did our first Mental Math Quiz. The quiz contained questions that we learned about in earlier grades of math till now. Also calculators were not allowed thus we needed to test out our pure knowledge of the subject. The quiz was overall not difficult so hopefully everyone (including me) did well on it! Shortly after the quiz we continued on from where we left off yesterday by taking a look inside our Chapter 2 Trigonometry Booklet. We were taught on how to graph Basic curves. He also taught us how to use the "y= sinX" and "y= cosX" and another cool secret trick that he didn't want us to tell anyone about.

For homework, we were assigned to finish up our Assignment 1 Quadratic functions booklet which was originally due today but it was delayed because Mr.Piatek is so awesome! Also for homework we had to pick a "Scribe of the month" by voting on which scribe was the best all month. The only rule is that you cannot vote for yourself (So dont cheat). We were originally going to get a Graphing worksheet which consisted of what we learned so far but we ran out of time.

Anyway that ends my blog/scribe thing. Hopefully this was alright and was up to Mr.Piatek standards. Hope everyone has a great weekend and a great Thanksgiving! See Ya!

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